Mingyue Mountain smoked bacon

Release time:2016-12-19 14:46:00

Mingyue Mountain smoked bacon production process:

      The best time to make Mingyue Mountain smoked bacon is from October to next February. Only when the weather is getting cold smoked bacon can be made. Before bacon, the fresh pork is roped and belt, called riveting  (Tujia people generally use wild palm leaves made riveting sub). Then put salt all over the meat manually. After 3 to 7 days, take out and hang on 1 or 2 days then they can be made on the following frame with small fire. the time can be longer or shorter, some a month, some ten days or so, in our place it is generally more than ten days. So if you want to buy authentic smoked bacon it must be after October.in each year.

Characteristics of smoked bacon:

      Smoked bacon, cooked and cut into pieces, transparent, shiny, bright color, yellow and red, taste mellow, fat but not greasy, thin but not Stick to your teeth, not only with unique flavor, but also with appetizers, remove cold, digestion and other functions. Hubei bacon maintains the characteristics of color, smell, taste, shape and taste, known as "boiling meat in one house; incense in hundreds families ".

      From processing and production to the storage for Bacon meat, fleshy unchanged, fragrance is kept long, and long. Since this meat is made with Cypress, so no mosquitoes and fly affected even in summer becoming a unique local flavor of food.

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